30 day chart challenge 2023

In reverse chronological order.

Day 29: Monochrome.

I really liked this one! I used Quarto to apply R and Python functions to the same dataset.

Quarto doc (also see my github):

Day 23: Tiles.

Sentiment analysis of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five.

Interactive version below, or you can click here. (I know the formatting is a bit off).

Day 22: Green Energy.

Sources of Canadian energy, split by province.
Data: StatCan.

Day 18: EuroStat.

Gender pay gaps in Europe over time, split by country.
Data extracted using the eurostat R package.

Day 14: New Tool.

I used Flourish to visualize a few of my recent bakes.

Days 10 & 11: Hybrid & Circular.

A hybrid chart/map plot of urbanization in the top 25 most populated African cities over time.
Data: Africapolis.

Day 9: High/Low.

The ebbs and flows of oceanic tides in the Olympic Peninsula, Washington state.
Data: NOAA Tides & Currents.

Day 7: Hazards.

'Hazard' interpreted here as 'danger'. Endangered and disappearing languages of the world.
Click here to open full-screen. Data: Endangered Languages Project.

Day 5: Slope.

Differences in Americans' time-use between 2019 and 2020, split by age and activity.
Data: American Time Use Survey.

Day 4: Historic.

5-years of temperature data for each month of the year in Toronto.
Data: Weather Canada.

Day 3: Flora & Fauna.

The depth and lateral spread of roots in different tree families.
Data: Environmental Data Initiative.

Day 1: Part-to-whole.

Self-reported ethnic origin of 1,024 randomly sampled Torontonians.
Data: Census Canada.